Fulldome Mapping Software Toolkit
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omni::ui Namespace Reference

Namespace for user interface elements and widgets. More...


 Namespace for helper classes and mixins.
 Namespace for projector related widgets.

Data Structures

class  About
class  AboutGL
class  Application
 Omnidome Application. More...
class  Blend
 Dockwidget for editing the blend mask. More...
class  BrushPreview
class  Canvas
 Dockwidget for editing canvas type and parameters. More...
class  ColorCorrection
 Dockwidget for editing color correction of a projector. More...
class  DockWidget
 DockWidget is scroll area with an embedded widget. More...
class  Export
class  FullScreen
 Widget for fullscreen display. More...
class  Input
 Input List widget. More...
class  MainWindow
class  Mapping
 Widget for selecting a mapping mode and the parameters. More...
class  OutputPreview
 Widget to draw rendered output of a session. More...
class  PluginList
 List view to show all loaded plugins. More...
class  RecentFileAction
 Action for recent file. More...
class  RecentSessions
 Data structure and menu to store default sessions. More...
class  Scene
 Dock widget that contains view settings for the scene. More...
class  SceneViewer
 SceneViewer widget for positioning of elements and 3D view of scene. More...
class  SubScreenItem
 Subscreen Item for which a tuning can be assigned. More...
class  ScreenItem
 A screen rectangle item representing a QScreen with drawing functionality. More...
class  ScreenSetup
 A widget for seting up fullscreen windows. More...
class  ScreenSetupDragWidget
 Widget which is shown when dragging a projector to a screen. More...
class  ToolBar
 Omnidome main window toolbar. More...
class  Warp
 Dock widget for editing warp grid parameters. More...
class  AbstractInputWidget
 Input widget with an editor widget. More...
class  AffineTransform
 A widget for editing an affine transformation. More...
class  CanvasParameters
 Parameter widget for getting and setting canvas parameters. More...
struct  ColorSet
 Simplies color access from a palette for a widget. More...
class  Dial
 Circular dial widget with range value and editor. More...
class  ExceptionList
 A list of all exceptions occured during a process. More...
class  GLView
 GLView for visualizing tunings or session Holds shared_ptr to session as data model. More...
class  InputPreview
 GLView for visualizing an input. More...
class  MappingParameters
 Parameter widget for getting and setting mapping parameters. More...
class  ParameterWidget
 A widget which holds sub-widgets for manipulating parameters. More...
class  RangedFloat
 A slider with float value within a minimum and maximum. More...
class  RangedInt
 Integer slider. More...
class  Rotation
 Rotation widget has three dials for rotation in X,Y,Z direction. More...
class  SceneGLView
 An OpenGL view for visualizing the scene of a session. More...
class  TestInputPreview
 An input preview for display a test image input. More...
class  TuningGLView
 A GLView for visualizing all modes of a projector view (tuning) More...
class  Widget
 A single parameter widget with a label and color set. More...


template<typename EXCEPTION , typename F >
void tryWithExceptionList (F f)

Detailed Description

Namespace for user interface elements and widgets.

Function Documentation

template<typename EXCEPTION , typename F >
void omni::ui::tryWithExceptionList ( f)
57  {
58  std::unique_ptr<ExceptionList> _widget(new ExceptionList);
59  try {
60  f();
61  } catch(EXCEPTION& _e) {
62  _widget->addException(_e);
63  }
64  if (_widget->exceptionCount() > 0) {
65  _widget->exec();
66  }
67  }